Design Collection Banners

Design Collection Banners

  • Design
  • Graphic Design

A collection banner is an image or a set of images displayed on an eCommerce website to highlight a specific collection of products. These banners help draw attention to the products in the collection and encourage visitors to browse.

Who is this for?

Shopify merchants who want to enhance the customer experience.

What do we offer?

We, Nivara, are always available to assist you. Our design and development team helps you design collection banners by creating visually appealing graphics and incorporating your branding and messaging. They also help you optimize the placement and size of the banners on your website to ensure maximum impact.

  • Simply contact us, and our experts will promptly respond to you.


  • Your Shopify store URL
  • Description of redesign needs
  • Assets that should be included in the redesign


The collection banners help you to entice customers and boost sales.


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