Almasika is an elegant jewelry store that merges art, design, and culture to craft magnificent contemporary jewelry pieces.

Project Summary

Almasika came to Nivara to enhance their website design to increase traffic to their site and improve organic rankings. The store design was outdated compared to the current trends in the jewelry industry, and the user interface could have been more interactive.

The primary goal was to redesign the store with effortless elegance to adapt the brand to the new eCommerce market. In addition, the brand desired tremendous online traction with the new, improved website. Therefore, we gave their site a complete makeover for better results.

Project Details

  • Role : Website Redesign
  • Duration : 1.5 months
  • Website :
  • Tools : XD, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Shopify


The lack of an appealing & user-friendly UX resulted in a drop in website traffic. As a result, Almasika needed a UX revamp, meta field addition, content optimization, and features integration to engage visitors and boost business growth.

Almasika wanted to reach more people to foster their sales. They wanted to decrease the bounce rate while attracting quality leads. And therefore, they needed an effective revamp strategy to increase conversions. UI/UX designs needed to be more appealing to reach the business goals.



Our design specialist designed a sleek and intuitive interface to guide Almasika’s customers through every element of their revamped design. At Nivara, our team created a vivid strategy to build a fresh UI to help Almasika generate more sales and revenue quickly and efficiently.

Research Insights

  • Colors


    To draw potential buyers to your items, it is essential to understand how colors and consumer behavior interact. Therefore, a few color utility classes and styling connections are beneficial.

  • Typography

    Typography & Spacing

    With simplicity and convenience for site visitors, the headings, body text, spacing, width, line heights, and font size all contribute to the subtle art of reading rhythm.

  • Layout


    A clearly defined site layout enhances the user experience. As a result, customers can navigate the website more easily, preventing them from abandoning it in frustration.

Fidelity Concepts

Fidelity ideas cannot constrain the degree of artistic nuances and intricacies. Therefore, you need an excellent design strategy to produce fantastic user experiences.


Lоw Fidelity

We brainstorm ideas on paper and develop as many unique designs as possible to set the groundwork for the next phase.


Medium Fidelity

We wireframe the collected ideas to create a semi-functional design to actualize the UX work. Finally, we remove any low-fidelity concepts that don't seem to work.


High Fidelity

This level represents a prototype very close to the final product and includes details and aesthetics of your UX designs.

Design System and Style

We developed a design system to enhance the entire procedure and user experience for the website. It not only promotes uniformity but also helps clients build new features faster.



At Nivara, we believe in designing websites that look good and drive revenue growth by providing an exceptional and intuitive user experience, working seamlessly to guide customers along a natural path to purchase.

Our work allowed Almasika to exhibit its elegant, contemporary jewelry pieces online. The website's new and improved design, fonts, and unique features contributed to increased sales. We helped improve the brand's reputation and market dominance in the eCommerce sector.
