Iwon Organics offers organic, plant-based snacks that combine balanced nutrition with bold flavors.

Project Summary

Iwon Organics wanted to create a positive first impression on its potential customers. For this, they needed a fantastic website to initiate leads and boost conversions. But more importantly, they wanted a website that would offer a positive user experience and facilitate easy access and navigation for visitors.

At Nivara, we understand that a poor web design may hamper the website's performance, preventing business expansion in terms of size and reputation. Therefore, our web designers ensured a design that would grab customers' gaze and guide them exactly where they should look. As a result, we helped them improve their brand perception and credibility while building lasting customer relationships.

Project Details

  • Role : Design & Development
  • Duration : 1.5 months
  • Website : https://iwonorganics.com/
  • Tools : Photoshop, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Shopify


Iwon Organics needed an easy-to-use and highly functional website that would allow customers to shop for healthy & organic food. It was imperative that the site not only showcased the products but also integrated beneficial features for the consumers. For example, the user flow and checkout process must be kept simple so customers can easily order healthy snacks from the comfort of their homes.

Iwon Organics was about to enter exciting new terrain by establishing itself online. Hence, they needed a unique website with custom functionalities to make them stand out from the competitors. Plus, we realized they required a website that enabled better optimization for increased traffic, sales, and revenue.



We did a fantastic job creating a feature-rich, user-friendly website with a stunning look. Our team has done all possible to assist Iwon Organics in developing a web presence, including research, wireframing, designing, and development. In addition, we added custom functionalities to make their website unique and help them attract quality leads.

Research Insights

  • Colors


    To draw potential buyers to your items, it is essential to understand how colors and consumer behavior interact. Therefore, a few color utility classes and styling connections are beneficial.

  • Typography

    Typography & Spacing

    With simplicity and convenience for site visitors, the headings, body text, spacing, width, line heights, and font size all contribute to the subtle art of reading rhythm.

  • Layout


    A clearly defined site layout enhances the user experience. As a result, customers can navigate the website more easily, preventing them from abandoning it in frustration.

Fidelity Concepts

Fidelity ideas cannot constrain the degree of artistic nuances and intricacies. Therefore, you need an excellent design strategy to produce fantastic user experiences.


Lоw Fidelity

We brainstorm ideas on paper and develop as many unique designs as possible to set the groundwork for the next phase.


Medium Fidelity

We wireframe the collected ideas to create a semi-functional design to actualize the UX work. Finally, we remove any low-fidelity concepts that don't seem to work.


High Fidelity

This level represents a prototype very close to the final product and includes details and aesthetics of your UX designs.

Design System and Style

We developed a design system to enhance the entire procedure and user experience for the website. It not only promotes uniformity but also helps clients build new features faster.



At Nivara, we loved tackling unique development challenges and proactively added subtle features and functionalities that thrilled Iwon Organics. The result is an elegantly designed website that accentuates its attention to quality and provides customers with a simple yet refined shopping experience.

To help them provide their clients with a genuine and tailored experience, we at Nivara merged their unique concept with a unique online store. Our team created everything for them from scratch, from design to development, leaving no detail untouched.
